Mariah Long
Mariah was previously the Program Manager of End Slavery Now. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati's DAAP program with a degree in Digital Design.
October 20, 2014
Mariah Long
Forced Labor,
Sex Trafficking,
Bonded Labor,
Child Labor,
Forced Labor is much more rampant than sex trafficking. In fact, 65% of the world’s slaves are in a forced labor situation. [1]
90% of companies shipping shrimp to the U.S. use some type of bonded or forced labor to produce it. [2]
There are up to 200,000 children who are forced to be soldiers in the world today.[3]
Traffickers make $150 billion in profits a year. [4]
Chattel slavery didn’t end until 1981. Mauritania was the last country to outlaw it. [5]
According to the UN 46% of victims worldwide know their trafficker. [6]
The average cost of a slave today is $90. Compare that to 1809 when average the price was $40,000. [7]
400,000 men and boys are being sexually exploited globally.[8]
10% of those in forced labor are in state-imposed forms of forced labor (prisons or work imposed by the state military or armed forces). [9]
Almost half of the world’s slaves are found in India.[10]
While looking up these facts, I found out that 35 slaves work for me. How many work for you?
Store the hotline number, and be ready to call when the need arises
Know which companies and brands follow the law