Stop Watching Violent Porn
See how porn and trafficking are connected
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
The Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) is an autonomous, non-profit and non-governmental organization established on May 29, 1995 for the protection, promotion and enjoyment of women’s rights, children’s rights, minorities’ rights and the rights of marginalized groups. FWLD continues to provide legal aid and service to clients who have been victims of discrimination, including survivors of human trafficking, rape and other forms of gender-based violence.
Our vision can be achieved by constantly working to change the discriminatory laws and the discrimination embedded in society and culture. We work on creating institutions and bringing resources to promote the rights of marginalized groups, looking into the cross-cutting effects of laws and understanding intersectionality. This can be achieved through the implementation of international human rights instruments and by reforming the structures that deny marginalized groups' access to development. Our mission is to empower the marginalized and aid in overall development.
A world where human rights are fully realized, where social injustice and discrimination are eradicated and where equality prevails