Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment

Volunteer Opportunities: Yes


Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) previously named the Forum on Street Children-Ethiopia is an indigenous non-profit, non-governmental organization established at the end of 1989 by a group of social development professionals who thought and believed that they can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children, especially those who are forced to live and/or work on the streets of major cities and towns of Ethiopia. FSCE, in its 25 years of service in promoting and implementing child protection work has accumulated an extensive expertise and experience that has helped the organization to evolve into one of the leading local child protection organizations in the country. FSCE initiated the establishment of Community Based Arbitrators, “Mekari shemagelies,” at woreda levels which is an initiation and collaborative effort of selected sub cities, the Addis Ababa Police Commission and Save the Children-Sweden. As a result of this initiative, it has been possible to establish model child protection units in selected kebeles of the Arada sub city in Addis Ababa. 


To protect and support vulnerable children through a comprehensive system approach in collaboration with relevant stakeholders


To see the well-being and protection needs of children fulfilled

  • Contact Information:
  • Adwa Street, Kebele 10 House Number 322, Yeka Sub-city
  • Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa
  • Ethiopia
  • Active In: Ethiopia
  • Forms of Abolition:
  • Awareness, Aftercare, Empowerment
  • Forms of Slavery:
  • Child Labor
  • Tel: +251 (0) 11 553-4722, +251 (0) 11 552-4294, +251 (0) 11 552-3548
  • Email: [email protected]