Call on Congress to Pass the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
Domestic workers in the US do not receive overtime pay or a minimum wage. They are not even protected from sexual harassment. Urge Congress to change that.
Free the Slaves was founded in 2000 and is widely regarded as a pioneer and leader in the modern abolitionist movement. It provides groundbreaking research, advocacy to change government policies and business practices, compelling documentary films to spread awareness that slavery still exists and frontline field programs that free slaves and demonstrate the feasibility of eradicating slavery.
Free the Slaves operates programs in many of the world's worst trafficking hot spots: Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Haiti, India and Nepal.
Free the Slaves liberates slaves around the world, helps them rebuild their lives and formulates solutions to eradicate slavery forever. It utilizes world class research and compelling stories from the frontlines of slavery to convince the powerful and the powerless that we can end slavery. "We must end slavery. Our mission is to end slavery worldwide. We believe that ending slavery is an ambitious β and realizable β goal."