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The International Institute of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 social service agency affiliated with the United Way and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI).
In 1938, the Institute became an independent agency. Since then, the organization has broadened programs and services to meet the contemporary needs of resettling refugees who often arrive without established family support in the area. From basic services of food and shelter to celebrations of culture, the Institute provides assistance for New Americans from the time of entry into Minnesota through full community integration. The Institute has resettled more than 24,000 refugees from almost every region in the world since 1979.The Institute, founded in 1919 as a branch of the YWCA of Saint Paul, addressed unmet needs of immigrant women and their families by providing support services as well as English and citizenship classes. In 1931 Alice Sickels became the Institute’s first executive director. She expanded the services provided by the Institute, and in 1932, the Institute held its first Festival of Nations.
Helping New Americans achieve self-sufficiency and full membership in American life.