Give a Rescue Gift to Someone In The Refugee Community
This holiday season give a rescue gift
Project Rescue began in 1997 when K.K. Devaraj and team members from Bombay Teen Challenge went to Falkland Road in the red-light district of Mumbai, India, with a passion to reach a young generation ensnared by drugs, gangs, and prostitution. Their ministry team was stunned to find an estimated 100,000 women and children living in sexual slavery, many of whom had been sold by their impoverished families from North India and Nepal.
In this first encounter, over 100 women were challenged to new life in Jesus Christ. However because they were in slavery they could not leave, but instead they asked K.K. Deveraj to take 37 of their little daughters to a place of safety in order to prevent them from a life of prostitution.
So out of that night Project Rescue and Bombay Teen Challenge created a safe aftercare home. The shelter became a secure environment where meals were shared, homework completed, clean beds provided. Most importantly the children were introduced to a heavenly Father who loves them and has good purposes for them.
In 2013 Project Rescue affiliated ministries ministered to over 32,000 women and children impacted by sexual slavery. In India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Moldova, Tajikistan and Spain Project Rescue partners work to bring the love of Jesus Christ to prostituted women and children at risk. Through aftercare homes, vocational training, afterschool programs, night care shelters, HIV/Aids and medical clinics, red light district churches and Sunday schools, and awareness and prevention programs women and children are being rescued and restored.
Over the past 16 years Project Rescue has seen God miraculously work on behalf of women and children in the darkness of sexual slavery. The strongest ministry staff today are former madams and young women who themselves found freedom up to 16 years ago through the ministry. Join with us on the journey as women and children find true freedom and healing in Christ!
We exist to rescue and restore victims of sexual slavery through the love and power of Jesus Christ.
We believe that each child has been created by God with God-given purpose and the innate abilities to accomplish that purpose. We exist to help him or her discover that purpose and empower him or her to fulfill it.
We recognize the primary role of the local, national and global community of faith in the restoration process and are committed to empowering them to fulfill it.
We provide global awareness and opportunities for concerned partners to help bring freedom and a transformed future to those imprisoned in sexual slavery.